Tag Archives: health

Choosing the Healthiest Cookware

Upgrading your cookware to healthier options is always a great idea, if you’re interested in creating your best health ever. Why? Your current collection may be a source of unwanted toxins for you and your loved ones, depending on what you use.

Much of today’s cookware contains even trace amounts of metals such as aluminum, lead, nickel, and endocrine disrupters. People may experience health issues of various kinds and levels, influenced by either the accumulation of toxins such as the above, or from their immune system being so sensitive, it responds to even the smallest amounts of these compounds.  In fact, breast-fed babies have been shown in studies (click here 2 read) to have high levels of various chemicals in their bodies when their moms were exposed to high levels – it transfers into breast milk.

I don’t personally recommend aluminum cookware that is not enameled,
nor most non-stick cookware. Aluminum may react with acidic foods (like tomatoes) – and leach trace amounts into the food, and into your body.

Like slowly dripping water erodes limestone, tiny amounts of aluminum or chemical exposure over long periods of time may erode your health.  For more info on the potential effects of aluminum, see this article.

In my professional opinion, choosing the most ‘inert’ or non-reactive cookware is the way to go. This is by no means an exhaustive list:Pots

  1. Glass. Corning Vision cookware is no longer sold tores, but you can find them easily in thrift stores, and online. I love glass because it’s easy to clean and there is no chemical leakage whatsoever into the food. I’ve been using it in my kitchen for over a decade, without any problems or breakage
  2. Enameled steel or enameled cast iron. My personal favorite brands are LeCreuset and Chantal, both European brands you can easily find in the US, and they are often found on sale, too. Both brands are certified to not leech anLeCreusety metals or anything else into the food – largely because I know their enamel is metal-free. There are many other options, too.
  3. Cast iron. An option for frying pans. It’s the tried and true option our grandmothers used all their lives. It can leach small amounts of iron into the food, and some women actually benefit from it. I use enameled steel or cast iron, mostly because I love them and they are easy to clean. But compared to non-stick frying pans, a cast iron pan is a healthier choice. There are new pans being produced that are non-toxic, but I don’t personally know enough about them to recommend them or not.

If you are concerned about your levels of toxic metals, a hair analysis is an excellent way to find out. For more info, check out my website. If you still need a gift, a hair analysis is a great idea, too!